Fitness Classes and Coaching after 50!

Strength, Flexibility, Balance & Aliveness For Your Body, Mind & Spirit

Age Well with Lifelong Learning (Thanksgiving Gift)

Every Thanksgiving I enjoy giving a gift to all of my class members as a way of saying thank you for their participation in my classes and their contribution to my aliveness. Here’s what I gave this year and why. 

Aging is a process we can neither ignore nor escape: it’s constant and universal. As we age, how we choose to view ourselves along with what actions we take largely determine HOW we age.

Youthful Hearts BookmarkerDear Youthful Hearts: For your gift this year I’ve chosen a unique and useful, pewter, “heart within a heart bookmarker.” To me, it  symbolizes lifelong learning, a valuable asset and one of the essential practices for aging well. Education is a critical resource that has the potential to help maintain and improve the quality of our lives. Through lifelong learning we are more adaptive to the ever-changing world as we grow older. We are better able to cope with and challenge what goes on around us. Making education part of our later years promotes a sense of personal empowerment and increased self-confidence. It facilitates intellectual stimulation and continued growth, leading to a more fulfilling, enjoyable, and enriched lifestyle.

In addition, lifelong learning that keeps the mind challenged after age 50 promotes a healthy brain. Youthful Hearts lifelong learningScientists have discovered that even an aging brain can grow new connections and pathways when stimulated. So whether you’re reading a good book or the newspaper, taking a class, researching online, doing crossword puzzles, exploring the world through travel programs, taking part in spirited discussions or giving back to the community through meaningful service, you’re nurturing your brain and strengthening the mind/body/spirit connection.

I hope this unique and useful “Youthful Hearts Bookmark” will serve as a beautiful reminder for you to stay inquisitive and immersed in the wonders of life, to be open to experiencing new things, to continue to explore and develop your gifts, and to keep looking for ways to use your skills and experiences to make the world a better place!   ♥ Jeanette

Here’s a link to the thank you letter that I shared with my class members as an accompaniment to the bookmarker gift:

In which ways do you keep your mind stimulated?

What are you favorite learning experiences?





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