Fitness Classes and Coaching after 50!

Strength, Flexibility, Balance & Aliveness For Your Body, Mind & Spirit

To Jeanette Logan of Youthful Hearts

April, 2015

Whereas, I joined the ‘exercise’ class in anticipation of a body workout, I was not aware of the many immediate benefits of the program. Lakshmi and I were impressed by your ability to connect to the minds with a collective wisdom of more than 3000 years (40 participants) and orchestrated not only our bodies but also the minds. Your passion for mind body equilibrium is reflected in your recognition of each individual for their mental and physical assets.

Whereas, you are open to all the practices of physical and mental health through meditation, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, etc. towards our mental health and physical awareness. Your continual directive was always that our personal care as the highest objective.

Whereas, you continue to remind us that we ourselves only are as individuals responsible for a healthy body and mind and must continue to safe keep to maintain all faculties in the highest order.

Whereas, the sharing of the tidbits from personal daily events keep us grounded to your directives as one of us and builds the confidence as a normal person. The only disappointment is the lack of male participants but challenges all senior men towards securing a happy and healthy old age.

Our individual needs for relief from pain, ailments, avoidance of degrading mental and physical capacities have been the most immediate benefits. We have been able to turn some of the sleepless nights into dreamless sleep. Correction of posture and delight in the immediate surrounding have been added to the friendship with the surrounding environment.

We are forever indebted to your wisdom and passion to have a healthy and happy community of seniors in San Rafael. We are full of admiration for your reflections on Body Mind connections.

Barun And Lakshmi Basu

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